Speak to my heart, Lord change my life

How often I had prayed this prayer.  How could I know that this is the way He would choose to answer it?

Friday, January 8th, 1999 As I lay in a hospital recovery room, hearing the word cancer from my Doctor, the Lord spoke to me very clearly, "Who's report will you believe?"  Later that weekend a high school wrestler dedicated (and lost) his championship match to me. Again the Lord spoke to me, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood."  My walk has been one in the Spirit and not one I could fight in the flesh. Thank you Lord Jesus!

My walk through Breast Cancer with Jesus has been one of the best times of my life! It is my hope that in sharing this testimony with you through my website that you will be blessed and encouraged too!

UPDATE: My Cancer is back!!!!!! Click
here for "the rest of the story"

Love and Blessings, Michelle
Advice for Cancer Patients | My Story | Timeline | FAQs | What Cancer Can Not Do | Jesus, My Best Friend | Lifes Lessons From A Golden Retriever | Dedication and Thanks | Miracles | My Life Today | My Poetry | The Beast Movies | Photos | Reasons to Be Happy |
Relay for Life | Links | 101 Dalmations | Beanie Babies | Awards | Webrings | My Family Tree
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Visitors Since 24 June 1999
Michelle's Website
Created 4 June 1999
Updated 12 March 2001

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This website is not intended as a replacement for medical care.  For a complete diagnosis, see your doctor.  For peace of mind and healing seek a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Advice for Cancer Patients | My Story | Timeline | FAQs | What Cancer Can Not Do | Jesus, My Best Friend | Lifes Lessons From A Golden Retriever | Dedication and Thanks | Miracles | My Life Today | My Poetry | The Beast Movies | Photos | Reasons to Be Happy |
Relay for Life | Links | 101 Dalmations | Beanie Babies | Awards | Webrings | My Family Tree
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Michelle's Website is the product of Michelle's imagination and the grace of Jesus Christ.*sign my guest book* All images on this site were created by me or appear curtesy of Geocities, or other 'free' sites on the web unless otherwise noted.*sign my guestbook* If you have any questions about the content of this site, please feel free to e-mail me.*sign my guestbook*  Thanks for stopping by, please come again soon and tell a friend about this site. *sign my guestbook* This message may contain subliminal *sign my guestbook* messages.

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