***This is the Home for Long Letter Ladies!***

The Ultimate Site for Long Letter Ladies On-line!

Welcome to Long Letter Ladies. This is a resource designed with the long letter lady in mind. Do you love long letters? Do people comment about how chatty you are? Do you often find yourself needing extra postage to send that bulky envelope in the mail? Do you type your letters because it is impossible for you to write without getting a hand cramp? Well if so, you are probably a long letter lady.

You've come to the right place!  This page was designed exclusively for you - the adult long letter ladies.  Sorry but no men are allowed and will be banished from the guestbooks.  Usually women on these pages are married and are not seeking male penpals. It is truly nothing personal.  

This site was designed originally in 1997 and has changed only in its appearance and not in its intent. It is still meant to bring together ladies from all over the world who have one thing in common: They love long letters. If you are seeking penpals, post an ad or come back often to see new penpal listings.

You have a few options here.  You can read the penpal listings below or read our list of links to other great penpal sites.  You may also sign up for a penpal of your own by clicking on "join".  Please make sure to read the instructions below before posting your own ad.  There are some rules that you should be made aware of.  

Before posting please read the rules below

The Rules:

1. You may browse any of the age ranges below.
2. For posting your own listing, please only choose the category that is in your age range.  Multiple ads will be erased.
3.Please be sure not to use capital letters as well as this is SHOUTING and is considered to be rude.
4. I will NOT erase ads after a length of time. If you post it, that's it. You'll have to deal on your own with the replies.
5. I am not responsible for any inappropriate mail you receive. You take your chances giving out your snail mail address!

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Here are some of my favourite sites online:

SnailMail Penpals

Letter Sets


Cultural Correspondence

Maarten's Snail Mail Penpals

Penpals Now

The Penpal Garden

The Mailbox

Ladies Like to Write

Inter Pals

Penpal Net


If you belong to Livejournal, I highly recommend the group: PenpalChat.

Long Letter Ladies Click to contact me
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