© 1998-present Angel Designs
all rights reserved

Welcome to Angel Designs.
~Your one stop for graphics of All kinds!~

I am glad you stopped by for a visit. I hope that you are able to find something that you really like.
Feel free to take anything you would like but you must use the logos provided (on the same page as the graphic)
to give a link back to this site so that others may find something they would like to use. With all of the hard work that goes in to making these graphics this is something very small to ask.
If you use any of my graphics take a moment to email me your url so I can add a link to your site. The link list is provided below. If you have a chance, visit and see what neat things these graphics are being used for! :-)
Please While you're here, sign the guestbook so I will know who you are and if you have any suggestions. I also have a new form for fast info.
If you would like to be notified when this site is updated you may either email me or go here and join my update list.

*Do not add these graphics to any collections*


Clip Art

Animated Gifs


Border Index


Cross Stitch/Needlepoint Backgrounds
