The Hilty's Welcome You

Thank you for visiting my home.

My name is Dixie Hilty. The most important thing to know about me is I have a daughter, Tori. Tori gave life to me September 20, 1995. Tori is my everything. She is starting pre-school this year which really is making me feel quite old. *L*

Please be sure to check out Her Playroom and the third page of My Poetry Corner.

Please be sure to visit the links to other places on my page. They support me so I support them. *S*

I am currently working on transfering all of my galleries into thumbnails for the pics. It will take a little while for me to complete that. But the upload time for the pages will certainly be alot faster. *G* And I am also working on a page that is just a venting area of some of my 'deep thoughts' so to speak. GEO/YAHOO ate My guestbook. Please take the time to sign the new one that I got OUT of GEO/YAHOO!!
~Poetry Corner~
~Picture Gallery~
C.C. Deville
Bret Michaels
The Attic....
Motley Crue
The Attic
The Bedroom....Vince Neil
Game Room
Tori's Playroom

Bon Jovi

HOT Zone!!

Adventures in Pre-school

Thank you for visiting. Come again soon. You are #
Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook

If you would like to write to me or if you have any C.C. links or pics to me at:

Bier Homepage:
This is my best friend's homepage. She is a very talented poet. Her poem Letter's From Bobby was recently read at the Vietnam Memorial Wall. Congrat's, Shell...luv ya, sweety...*hugs*

Josh Miller's "Wyndon's Home Away From Home":
Josh's page is a wonderful resource on information about Wiccan beliefs. He has inspired Me in many ways to get the hell back to work on my site.

Harry Kill Kill/Hollywood Killerz:
Harry is in a rocking Glam Band from Italy. The Boyz are hot ass hell and have talent galore!!! Please check out his site and give em all a big ass hug for continuing the Glam Revolution!!!!