Shape of Things to come

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Rovell's World Directory

Arts and Humanities
Artists ¤ Family ¤ Countries and Cultures ¤ Design Arts

Education ¤ Literature ¤ Music ¤ Museums and Galleries
Organizations ¤ Publications ¤ Theater

Business and Economy
Companies ¤ Electronic Commerce ¤ Employment
International ¤ Investments ¤ Products and Services
Real Estate

Communications and Networking ¤ Games ¤ Graphics
Hardware ¤ Multimedia ¤ Organizations ¤ Programming
Software ¤ Windows ¤ Computer Underground ¤ Unix

World Wide Web ¤ Miscellaneous Homepages

Disease ¤ Drugs ¤ Education ¤ Medicine
Organizations ¤ Publications

Recreation and Sports
Automotive ¤ Aviation ¤ Games ¤ Hobbies and Crafts
Outdoors ¤ Sports ¤ Travel ¤ Water Sports

Anime ¤ Comics and Animation ¤ Cartoons ¤ Humor
Movies ¤ Music ¤ People ¤ Science Fiction ¤ TV

Society and Culture
Alternative ¤ Charity ¤ Civil Rights ¤ Cyberculture
Environment and Nature ¤ Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Magazines ¤ Organizations ¤ Real-time Chat ¤ Religion
Philosophy ¤ Sexuality ¤ Dating and Matchmaking

Animals and Pets ¤ International ¤ News and Current Events
Reference ¤ Regional ¤ Science ¤ Social Science