Welcome to Net Sisters Forever Graphics made by the Graphics Team of the Artistic Committee. We hope that you will enjoy the background sets, guestbook graphics, globes and holiday graphics created for your use by the members of this committee. New areas will be added from time to time as well as new items....Please feel free to check back from time to time and see what is new!
If you would like to Contribute to any of the following categories of graphics please feel free to contact Sister Sammylane at netsis2000@hotmail.com anytime.


If you do not see what you need within these pages, please complete a Graphics Request Form by clicking on the icon below, and we will get a member of the Graphics Team on it as soon as we can...they will be glad to assist you.

Please be sure and sign our Guestbook so we know that you have stopped by!

All Graphics have been © to Tafie's Graphics and Web Page Design.
All Graphics have been digitally watermarked.
All graphics are protected by Canadian Copyright Laws.
Graphics have been created for 800 x 600 screen resolution and
16 bit or better colour.
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