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Life is good!



Liz went on a Carribbean Cruise in July with friend Dawn. She loved Jamaica!
Liz and Phoenix went to Las Vegas for a 5-day getaway in December. Despite the flu for Phoenix, there was still plenty of fun.
Liz became a Medical Examiner Investigator for Shiawassee County. It's fascinating work, and the training in St. Louis was outstanding.
We bought a new vehicle. Our Saturn Vue is all-wheel drive, which is great in the winter. We love it so far.
  Phoenix is building a new deck for us on the front of the house. See construction photos (she's adorable while building).



Winter is in full force.



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This page last updated January 24, 2004

I share my home with two wonderful women and a variety of animals. To learn more about them, click on the links below:

     Liz     Phoenix     Animals

An important part of our lives for over twenty years has been the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, where we gather with friends from all over the country.


Liz and Phoenix have interesting family members. Click on the links below to learn about some of the characters we are related to:


Our friends are like family to us, and important parts of our lives. Meet some of our chosen family by clicking on a link below:


Joseph has become our adopted grandson. He loves to visit Gramma Feenix and have sleepovers. Check out the links below, and watch him change and grow.


Vacations and travel are important to me. Share the sights by clicking on the links below:

Texas, February 2002

Texas, January 2003

Carribbean Cruise, July 2003

Las Vegas, December 2003

Visit Leezard's Garden Page

Visit my business page: Aditi Design