Unnaturally Tall Girls
If your heart races whenever you see an exceptionally tall women walk
by...if it makes you wonder how anybody could possibly believe a girl
can be too tall...if you sneak glances into Tall Gal shops
hoping to catch a glance of a long legged lovely...then welcome to
Unnaturally Tall Girls
Most of what you'll find her is my own work. It will range from
relatively crude to some fairly decent work. Any and all
comments are welcome...except for those of you who think we're all weirdos
January 26, 2000 --- Came into being
February 02, 2000 -- Added images to Long Leg Gallery
February 05, 2000 -- Added guestbook and one new link
Now on to the Galleries...
Guestbook---Please give me some input
Long-legged Gallery One---My Creations
Long-legged Gallery Two---Images off the Net
Small Giantesses Gallery One
Tall Girl Stories --- Coming soon
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