Updated 7-23-2000

Hi...thanks for visiting my homepage, my name is Candace... I live in Asheville, NC .  I have added some links for the Asheville area as well as some great Lesbian/Gay her/history links...As you'll soon find out..I love Lesbian/Gay Trivia ... my page is growing and I hope to add links to some of my other interests. My Womyn's Writing page is finally ready, I hope everyone finds a little something they enjoy!!! .....let me know anything your thinking on my message board !

Come find out just how much you know about Lesbian/Gay History!!

Try these great Asheville links:


Asheville Lesbian Resource

Asheville/Women Outdoors

Gay Asheville

Terra Vita-Natural soaps & Aromatherapys


    Check out Bluebootz AIDS Page and
     learn what it means to me....

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