Farmingbury Woman's Club of Wolcott
                  Farmingbury Woman's Club of Wolcott is a non-profit organization
                   and a member of General Federated Women's Clubs. The
                   Farmingbury Woman's Club of Wolcott was organized in January
                   1978. It is a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs
                   of Connecticut and the General Federation of Women's Clubs
                   International, which is the largest non political, non partisan
                   volunteer women's organization in the world. The Farmingbury
                   Woman's Club of Wolcott has two fund raisers: Arts & Crafts Fair,
                   the third Saturday of October at Alcott School and a Spring
                   Event. The proceeds are used to support local activities in
                   Conservation, Arts, Home Life, Veterans' Homes, Scholarships and
                   other community projects. The Farmingbury Woman's Club of
                   Wolcott has established and maintained the Watchful Eye
                   Program with the Wolcott Police Department, provides the Annual
                   Bowling Banquet for the Handicapped Bowling League, and
                   maintains flower barrels for the beautification of Wolcott.
                   Farmingbury Woman's Club of Wolcott, also, provides shirts for
                   Wolcott Special Games participants, donates to Girl Scouts, Boy
                   Scouts, Wolcott High Close-Up Program, Hugh O'Brien Youth
                   Weekend, Wolcott Public Library, provides lap robes and toiletries
                   for Veterans' Home and coordinates Cancer Society Daffodil Sale
                   and Distribution in Wolcott. In 1998 in a ceremony to honor its 20
                   years as a General Federated Woman's Club, Farmingbury
                   Woman's Club donated a gazebo to the town of Wolcott. The
                   gazebo is on Wolcott Town Green. Women 18 years of age or
                   older may join.
Organized January 1978

Federated January 1978
GFWC  links
Charter Members & Past Presidents
Arts & Crafts Fair
Message Board
Important Dates
Connecticut Radio Information System (CRIS)
Arts & Crafts Contest Categories
Habitat for Humanity Build
Volunteer Hours
Wolcott Events Calendar
Suitcases for Children