Welcome to Katz Kreations!


Welcome to my new site!  I have been making
graphics for awhile, but mainly for children.  I have
gotten so many requests for "grown up" graphics sets
that I decided to start this new site!
I have lots of ideas and this site is very new
so please bookmark it and check back often
for new sets.  

I hope that you will find something
to use on your pages here and please, if
you use these graphics, either email me or
sign my guestbook and let me know,
so I may see how they are being used.
That is all I ask for in return
for use of these graphics
(along with a link of course)
I have included a matching button
to use to link back to me in each set.

Please remember the rules about
saving the graphics to your computer
and uploading to your site.  NO direct linking
to my site please.  If you are on webtv,
please go to webtv.com and read about
the new services they have to help
you in making a home page.  Do not link
to my site.

Thank you!


Graphics Index Page




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ŠKatz Kreations - 1999