Physical, Sexual, Emotional

I hope this site may help to clear up some of the misconceptions concerning abuse and in doing so may also help the victims as well as the abuser. If only one person can be saved from pain and suffering then this site is not in vain. I would also like to give praise and thanks to God for it is through His guidance that I are writing this.

This site deals with all aspects of abuse from domestic violence to child abuse. It may be disturbing to read for some people who have been or still are in this type of situation. To those people, a word of caution, please do not read anything which may trigger a flashback or bring on depression.

Abuse is not an easy subject to write about, especially for a person who has been or is being abused, yet, there are many courageous people on the web who have told their stories in the hope of helping others. To each and every one of them, I give thanks for their strength and courage and pray that some day they will no longer suffer the consequences of being abused.
