"Hand in Hand" is the beautiful artwork of Glynda Turley, used by permission. You may view more of Glynda's lovely work by clicking on the icon below.
The Titus 2 Online Mentoring Group does not, has not, and never will ask for funds for any purpose. This ministry is soley for the glory of God and the edification of the saints. All of our services are free.
In Titus 2 God has clearly
mandated that the older women are to teach the younger
women many valuable life principles. The purpose of this
type of teaching is to prevent misunderstanding,
heartache, bitterness and sorrow that can come when the
structure of the home is not in line with the teaching of
God's Word. If young wives are not taught these lessons, then they must learn them the hard way-through trial, error, and experience. By then, however, there can be so much resentment built up between the wife and husband that even years of love and caring cannot totally erase. This does not have to be and should not be the case. God has a perfect design and a perfect way for our Christian homes. He intends for us to have homes that bring honor and glory to His holy name. It is our goal here at Titus 2 to fulfill the mandate that God has set forth for our older women. We have many very godly, seasoned women, from all walks of life who love their God and desire to serve Him through being mentors to their younger sisters. Here you will find no vain philosophies of the world. We will teach very carefully and prayerfully the Word of God with all fearfulness and boldness. Our ministry reaches worldwide with no cultural barriers to married, single, widowed, single again, and new to the faith Christian women. We also provide encouragement and support for women who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death. At the present we have 9 ladies who serve as mentors for individual cell groups. These groups were designed to meet specific needs that you might have. Please prayerfully consider whether or not God would have you join. If you are a married woman, I highly encourage you to get the approval of your husband. If you are interested in joining The Titus 2 Mentoring Group, please read the invitational letter below. If you agree to the doctrinal stand that we take we welcome you to join us. All I ask it that you prayerfully consider this decision. The cost? Some of your time. Joining is very simple. After you have read the Invitational Letter and feel comfortable with joining, click on the "Meet our Mentors" link below. Read through each one and choose the group where you feel that you would be most comfortable. There is either an email link or a sign up box directly on each page. If you choose to write to the mentor, simply state that you would like to join her cell group. She will then contact you. We are always on the look out for new mentors. If you are an older Christian woman and feel that God would have you be a part of our team, please click here. Letter of Invitation to Join The Titus 2 On-line Mentoring Group for Christian Women Dear Sisters in the Lord, In the early fall of 1998, God impressed upon my heart to provide a top-quality on-line mentoring group for Christian women. I believed with all my heart that this was His will. The Titus 2 Online Mentoring Group is my feeble attempts to answer that call. In the two years that we have been online God has blessed our ministry over and above anything I could ever have imagined. Within those two years I lost not only a precious son, but also a very dearly loved sister. God provided me with a wonderful group of ladies who stuck with me through all my dark days of grief. They were there to take up the slack and keep the ministry running. I would like to publicly thank Ruth Hollands and Lynn Bolser for taking over and doing such a wonderful job. It is because of these two ladies that our group is still functioning today. Also, we still have 9 of our original mentors and I am so thankful for their faithfulness and loyalty to serve the Lord in the cyberworld! Let me say up front that I strongly believe that the ultimate foundation for the building of our homes is the word of God. The Baptist Confession of 1689 says, “The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.” This clearly states that we are never to rely on the teaching of men, but to depend solely on the Word of God. Therefore, I do not intend to give you my “opinion” nor will you ever come here and find humanistic philosophy. America is a society polluted with humanism. It has gotten so bad that I don’t think even we who live separated lives realize just how much it has infiltrated our way of thinking So, what you will find here will be built on a biblical foundation, not worldly views.
Most of our churches today are lacking in the area of true, biblical mentoring of the younger generation. I deal with hundreds of women via the internet and many, both young and old, are crying out for a genuine mentoring group. I am by no means trying to usurp the authority of the local church by forming some sort of "para-church" ministry. I believe very strongly in the local church. I do, however, find a great need here on the internet to minister to women who either have no church home or are not having their needs met in their own church home. *PLEASE NOTE: Women of any protestant denomination or faith are welcomed to join. However I must tell you that, because of my own convictions, all of the mentors, including myself believe in salvation by grace alone. We do not teach nor endorse that one may lose his/her salvation based on works. If you do not believe this way, then you may not feel comfortable in our group.
In His Wonderful Love, Grace and Mercy, Sylvia Sivley More questions or comments? Please write to me personally at: sgsivley@yahoo.com