Welcome to Allison Nahr's Web Page

NEW! Photos of our new neice, Ella Nahr, born August 26, 2001.

NEW! Photos of our new house in Arlington.

The Stations of the Cross by the Youth of Faith UMC.

A picture of my brother in his "hero" pose

Breast cancer kills more than 40,000 women annually.
Visit www.thebreastcancersite.com to donate free a mammogram.
Please support the sponsors who make this possible

Click here for photos of our summer mission trip.

Fab 5 reunion

Click here for photos of my visit with Jacquie in DC.

Go the The Hunger Site and donate food.
Clicking here will open a new window with the hunger site in it.

This is a legitimate site that donates food through various sponsorships.
I donate EVERY day...

Latest highlights:

12/31/99 Spent the Y2K with Gabe in Delaware
10/15/99 Went to Paris to visit Chris, Sasha and Nicholas
9/07/99 I began Seminary at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota
7/28/99 Allison and Andreas got a great new 1999 Saturn SL2!
Here are some pictures
5/11/99 I'm an aunt!!!
Chris and Sasha had a bouncing baby boy
Here are some pictures
3/25/99 I got accepted to Luther Seminary to start my MA in youth ministry in August.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my Website. This web site is a presentation of my personal interests. It will grow in the future.
Please also take the time to sign my guestbook
View my NEW Guestbook
view my OLD Guest Book
Sleeping Beauty

Some neat links on the web that I've come across
US Airways
Trier, Germany
Sifl and Olly
Luther Seminary
The Bible Tutor
Youth Ministry Job Openings

Last updated: 30 August, 2001

© Andreas Nahr
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