Welcome to Jeff and Carmela's home on the Net!


Jeff & Carmela on vacation in Cebu, Phils.
Jeff is from Tennessee, USA and I am from Manila, Philippines.

This page serves as a "journal" of our experience as we try to get a US visa for me, so that Jeff and I can be together, get married and start our life together.

We still have a long way to go, but we believe this experience, has helped make our relationship stronger and show how much we love each other. 'Coz no one in their right mind would go through all of this tedious and loooong process except of course if they are really madly in love! Excuse the mushiness.

August 6, 1999:

The most awaited day for Jeff and I - my visa interview! Well I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer, but I finally got my visa approval! Needless to say, we are very happy that the first stage of what Jeff and I have been waiting for (too long!) and have been working hard for is finally here! Read all about the day of my interview.

A Quick run-down of what we have accomplished so far:
(Visit our timeline page for full details and several tips for each process)

March 24, 1999: Jeff sends the necessary forms and document to the INS
April 10, 1999: Received INS letter of petition approval
Mid April 1999: Called the US embassy here in Manila to inquire if they have received the copy of the approved petition sent by the INS. They haven't.
April 19, 1999: Went to the Dept. of Foreign Affairs (DFA) for my appearance in order to get a passport.
Early May 1999: US embassy still have not received the INS approval. Was informed that it could take up to 2 months! Discovered the K-1 FAQ SITE that provides a wealth of information.
May 17, 1999: US embassy finally received the INS approval letter.
May 21, 1999: Received first notice from the US embassy.
May 23, 1999: Returned completed forms to the embassy.
May 25, 1999: Informed by the embassy that it usually takes a month for them to "qualify" the completed forms.
June 4, 1999: Completed my Barangay Clearance, Court Clearance and Police Clearance.
July 6, 1999: Finally, my appointment letter arrived in the mail.
July 14, 1999: Went to St. Lukes Medical Extension Clinic for the required medical exam.
August 6, 1999 The most awaited day for Jeff and I - my visa interview! Well I don't want to keep you in suspense any longer, but I finally got my visa approval! Needless to say, we are very happy that the first stage of what Jeff and I have been waiting for (too long!) and have been working hard for is finally here! Read all about the day of my interview.



Information regarding the fiance visa contained on this site does not constitute legal advice. They are based only on the author's own experience.

The ICQ Fiance (K-1) Visa People Ring
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The ICQ Romance People Ring
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