I’m now in the sixth grade at Esperanza Middle School. I play the flute (still) and I’m in the after-school girls’ chorus. Girls’ chorus is really fun. We have a concert next week and we’re singing three songs. My favorite is called "Santa is the man." Flute is still a lot of fun too even though I just got braces. Our concert is on the same day as the girls’ chorus concert.
School is great. On my report card I got an A in math, an A in science, a B in social studies, an A in PE, an A in band, and an A in reading/language arts. So overall, I did pretty good.J I like all of my subjects but I don’t really, really enjoy reading/language arts. My teacher gives us a lot of work all the time. He is really strict and contradicts himself all the time. Sometimes, he’s really nice and lets us watch movies, but very rarely.
I do like being in honors reading/LA because the two honors classes get to go on extra fieldtrips. The other classes don’t get to do that. We’ve been on one extra fieldtrip and one required fieldtrip. The extra one was the
Rennasaince Fair. That was neat. There were all sorts of old (medieval) games and interesting jewelry there! We even watched some jousting! It wasn’t real like with "the one who lives, wins." It was just fun competition. The required fieldtrip was to the zoo. I would usually say that the zoo would have been more fun, but it was really hot that day. The animals were cute though!Well, that’s all I have to say about school! My dad or mom probably will cover the other subjects.J
Love, Katie HarmonHi everyone. As most of you know, I graduated from 8th grade this past year. It was really sad. More then ½ of my best friends went to a different high school, so I don’t see most of them anymore. Anyways, graduation was really cool. I cried a whole lot though.
We still have my cat Felix, now in her teenage years (she is more than one and a half years old). So now I’m in high school (St. Mary’s Ryken High School). Except for the whole lowly freshman thing, it’s been really cool so far. Besides It’s funny…we’ll be walking down the hall, and the upperclassmen will start going," Eww…it’s the freshmen…trying to take over the school…what’s their problem?" I guess you could say we’re harassed. Oh well, next year it’ll be OUR turn. Just kidding…I plan on getting along with the little peoples. I’m baby-sitting a lot now and thankfully, most of the kids are pretty good. We’ve had a lot of mixers this year. Mixers are dances that people from other schools can come to. They’re a whole lotta fun. No one gets crazy enough to get into trouble, but everyone gets really hyper. I guess it’s watching other people dance…some can be REALLY bad. Hee hee. I have a Christmas Formal on Saturday. I hope mom and dad let me go. I think they might because of my good grade in honors Bio (I’m getting a b)!! I’m so proud of myself. Last night, daddy and I went to Fashion Bug, Belks, and JcPenney. We were looking at dresses. I found one that I liked, it’s this bronze-y kinda color. I think it’s pretty. We didn’t buy it because daddy wants to make sure I like it.
That’s all for this year, Love ya lots,
, (p.s. Merry Christmas)I’m still rebelling from my life in the Navy. I haven’t been to a barber since Dec of 98! That’s ‘cause Janet cuts my hair about once every 2 or 3 months. I’m badly in need of a hair cut now. My hair is longer than it was in High School. I’ve also been known to show up at different places with an earring! But don’t want anyone piercing my body so my earring is the magnetic kind. The magnet is very strong and I’ve pretended to have a pierced nose for a while. Wish I knew about magnetic earrings when I was in the Navy. Speaking of the Navy, I still miss it. I think the more you are away, the more you forget the negative experiences. I watched the TV news coverage of the USS COLE with a lot of sorrow and pray for the families of the sailors. I remembered all the places mentioned on the news.
I continue to enjoy the civilian work world and the company I work for. (I even have plants and pictures on the wall in my office!) My job right now at BAE Systems is Production Manager and we build UHF Communications Systems which we put on Navy ships. I guess you just can’t get the old salt water out of me.Church et al…
I still teach 5th grade CCD (or Sunday school) most Sunday’s. I have the best assistant one could ask for, Katie, my sixth grade daughter. Janet and I are both very committed to our own continuing adult religious education and we take evening or weekend classes. There is so much that I didn’t know I didn’t know until I found out what I did know.I’m also a member of the Catholic "fraternity" Knights of Columbus, and I am the Youth Leader (Janet says that fits me well because I’ve never really officially grown up) this term. I organized a successful Soccer shoot out which is like the NFL’s Punt, Pass and Kick competition. One of our kids went to State and placed first in State. She was a 14-year-old girl and even beat all the boys with her score. We’re proud of her. The next event I am responsible for is the Free Throw Contest. Can you figure out what sport that involves?J
Jeff Boy-Ardee…
I’ve assumed responsibilities for cooking during the big holidays. On Thanksgiving morning, Christa and I stayed home and cooked while Janet, Katie and her friend went to the Church where they helped served a free Thanksgiving dinner to anyone who needed/wanted one.Vehicles and Interstate…
Some of you may remember my old Blue ’92 Ford Tempo that we bought in Italy. And we drove it all over Europe, brought it to the states and drove it to Los Angeles, parked it for three years and Janet’s cousin took care of it and put about 1,000 miles on it in 3 years. Well, it’s finally starting to break down. Yep, after 8 years, I had to replace a headlight! That’s a pretty darn good car. Our 98 van is working pretty well also. I think we’ve put about 45,000 miles on it in 28 months (you know Janet, always on the go).I’ve been on business trips to Philadelphia PA, Charleston SC and San Diego CA, but as a family, we try to go somewhere each month.
highlight for Katie!) Janet had a mini high school class reunion in Princeton, New Jersey one weekend so we all went to that.
[As you know, Janet grew up and went to school in the Philippines. Well, it turns out that more than half of her classmates have migrated to the U.S. and live here now.]Of course we’ve been to Washington DC several times, especially since we live just 60 miles from the infamous beltway! I want to go and see some of the Civil War sites over in Virginia next. In November, a good friend from Japan, Ryo Usami, flew into DC for a business trip. He was our neighbor when we lived in Hayama (Yokosuka) Japan. Ryo and his wife Kazumi have two lovely daughters almost the same age as Christa and Katie. Their children spent the night at our house before and vice-versa. So we arranged our schedules picked him up at his hotel and did all those tourist-y things again. I just love DC. In fact, he was here Election Day! He told us he was so excited that he could be in the United States during the election when we elect our new president. We laughed when he left on Friday and saying: you still don’t know who your new president will be?
JeffFrom Janet…
Our July Vacation Bible School participation was vibrant with 189 enthusiastic kids and volunteers. Currently, there are 255 registered students in our CCD program (September through May) and over 45 regular volunteers. I regularly attend professional development meetings with the Archdiocese of Washington DC (
www.adw.org) and am a member of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Leaders Association (ACLA). The highlight of my involvement was during the recent Eucharistic Congress held at the Washington Convention Center and the MCI Center (October 5 –8). I had the privilege of introducing one of the many speakers during this event and our family joined thousands in witnessing our love for and belief in God’s great gift of the Eucharist. Christa joined the youth groups as they attended ‘youth talks’, workshops and a rosary prayer march.The culminating mass at the MCI Center was renewing and uplifting. Before the mass, colorful speakers vigorously led us in songs of PRAISE! The day was capped with a memorable birthday tribute to Cardinal James Hickey who celebrated his 80th birthday (same day as Jeff’s birthday!) .
Email has been wonderful and allowed me to reconnect with a lot of classmates (St. Paul Catholic girls’ school K-12th and the Ateneo de Manila University) from the Philippines. I wish I had more time to maintain our web sites (family one is still www.angelfire.com/md/betjet).I still play Bunco once a month, host Longerberger parties, volunteer at the girls’ schools, ‘play’ Secretary at our Hickory Hills Activities Committee meetings, attend the Wednesday Bible study regularly and drive the girls around: piano lessons, flute lessons, movies, choir, orthodontic appointments, youth group meetings, etc.
♥♥♥ Christa and Katie try to keep their own rooms clean and they do their own laundry so that helps us out a lot. Katie makes a mean grilled cheese and is the junk food gourmet chef of the household (she puts cream cheese on everything). Christa whips through my recipes matter-of-factly, talking a mile a minute with the phone glued to her ear! We have good kids over-all. But Jeff is my greatest treasure. His support with my job at church is invaluable. He shares my strict (oftentimes old-fashioned) standards and expectations regarding the girls’ academic responsibilities. And he still finds time to help out the other families in our neighborhood!May the blessings of Christmas be with you always!