My name is Linda Lee and I am from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I have been working in property and casualty insurance since 1973. I have licenses in both PA and NJ and am also a notary public in New Jersey. There are four locations and I am the branch manager of the NJ office. This office is fast paced and very challenging.

I have a son, Donald, who is attending a community college, majoring in computer networking. I also had a son, Kristian, who I lost when he was only 2 days old due to a heart defect at birth.. It was not discovered right away, and was transferred to
Hahneman Hospital when he developed breathing problems.  There are no photographs due to being born the weekend of Labor Day, but I do have his footprints - so I know he was very real. 

I am engaged to my sweetheart, Michael, who is originally from New York. When he moved to PA he also brought along his senior cat, Maxwell, who has a real New York attitude!

On August 1, 2001, I lost my 17 year old cat ^Pepper^ to CRF. There isn't a day that goes by that I do not think about him.

In June, 2002, Michael and I rescued five kittens and we have adopted three of them. They are such a joy and I truly believe that ^Pepper^ helped them find their way to us.

When I can find some free time, either my nose is stuck in a book , I'm on the computer, or I'm probably watching a Lifetime Movie.

I'd love it if you would take a stroll down Linda's Lane. You never know what you may find!

Our Furry Friends
In Memorium
Faerie Realm
Introspection I
Introspection II
My Son
Our Family Through Morphing
Links I Frequent
A Taste Of Italy
Vacationing With Floyd
Father's Day Tribute
My Sunshine
Write Me E-Mail!

This page was updated on Oct. 10, 2004.
A Tribute toPepper
Pepper's Virtual Shrine
Introducing our Kittens!
Thank you!
The Wizard of Ozzy!
Our New Home
Visit Gettysburg, PA
Happy 26th Birthday, Don!