I created this web site
for a very special lady, my cousin Robbyn. It's purpose is to present gifts to
encourage & uplift her during a very trying time of her life. Robbyn is fighting
cancer, and as a very sweet and spiritual lady, she deserves whatever her loved ones and
friends can give.
With love,

Globe Adoption From:
Tendre Sissi
As of March 10, 2003, Robbyn's cancer has returned. She is on radiation therapy at
this time. She needs your encouragement for strength.
As of December 30,2001, Robbyn is still working and
doing well. Detailed info is not known at this time on
her prognosis.
As of June 10, 1999, Robbyn's prognosis is going pretty well. Her (progress?) score is 77.
That is an okay score, although going up slowly, is showing positive signs of remission!
Hang in there, Robbyn!!