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Yoga is a way of life, an integrated system of education for the body, mind, and inner spirit. This art of right living was perfected and practised in India thousands years ago but, since yoga deals with universal truths, its teachings are as valid today as they were in ancient times. Yoga is a practical aid, its techniques may be practised by any people of any age.

Yoga means union. Not just union between the body, mind and soul, but traditionally union between one's individual consciousness and the Universal Consciousness. There are hundreds or more of such techniques and therefore as many different Yogas. In order to simplify and clarify the topic, Swami Vishnu-devananda summarized the vast science of Yoga into 5 principles: Proper Exercise; Proper Breathing; Proper Relaxation; Proper Diet; and Positive Thinking & Meditation.


There are many types of physical excercise, but the Yogic system of Asanas (a Sanskrit word meaning “steady pose”) is the most beneficial exercise. Traditional Hatha Yoga is one of the most complete system, it benefits far more than just the physical body. Proponents of yoga see daily practise as beneficial in itself, leading to improved health, emotional well-being, mental clarity, and joy in living.

© 2007