Welcome to Running Wolf Mountain. This is the 100 acre preserve I have dreamt about creating in the world outside. Now it becomes a reality here on this electronical plane of existence. Running Wolf Mountain is a place where myself and my loved ones can run free with out coming into contact with the real world. Free to romp and play, lose ourselves in the Great Forest.
Listen.....can you hear Chickadee calling, and the soft song of the Warblers, in the distance the splash of Ducks landing on the waters of the Lake.......the wind in the lofty Pines, smell the air.....I just love it here.
Please sign my guest book before you leave, feel free to look around a bit first if you wish. I would really like to know who has come for a visit, so please take the time to leave a little note before you go. I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy your visit here at Running Wolf Mountain, come back and visit soon, changes are happening regularly. My mate howls "I'm just a computer widow....." and I join in "Aooooooooo"
This site © Copyright 1998, Robin Running Wolf
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