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How Herbs Have Helped My Lupus
Hi! I'm Carolyn.
I am going to tell you what has worked for me.
I started out in 1994 using PauDArco.
I started with 2 capsules a day
and within a few days went to 4 a day.
Some grocery stores carry this or the health food store.
It really helped get me functioning again.
Not the perfect fix but it did help.
I learned to take echinacea root,
anytime that I felt any type of an infection coming on.
I would take from 2 to 4 a day
depending how often I remembered to take them.
In 1996
I discovered how to get all of the herbs
and I started taking essiac tea.
For me this has been the best thing ever.
It is supposed to be for cancer, but
it is also supposed to be for immune system disorders.
I figured I did not have anything to lose.
Again I started slow.
I took an ounce for a few days to make sure I would not be allergic. Then I went to 2
ounces for a few days
and now I take 4 ounces every day.
2oz. in the morning and 2oz. at night.
You can go search for Essiac and get lots of info.
I buy all of my herbs in bulk and I make up my own.
I was lucky and found the exact recipe so I could do this.
It took me quite some time to find
a source for all of the herbs.
I am really careful about where my herbs come from.
If you do decide to go into the essiac.
I can get you more information.
Yes, I still have some problems occasionally,
but not nearly like I used to.
I have only had a few minor flares since
I have been on the essiac.
One of my biggest problems is that
I tend to let things stress me out.
I am getting better about this one.
Any more questions
Feel free to e-mail me. cmjr275@yahoo.com
I have done lots of research into the herbals.
It has certainly made me into a human being again.
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