Chris & Ben pic

Chris & Ben's Place
in the

Welcome to our little blanket-covered netspot!

Who the heck are these Chris and Ben people?

Allow me to introduce ourselves! (Is that even a word???) I'm Chris, and together with my son, Ben, we live near Cleveland, OH, and spend a lot of time doing that Mother-Son thang. Lately we've been joined by our very favorite bear, Brian, and are planning on moving into the "Brady Bunch" phase of our lives soon (not soon enough!!!)

We each have our own little netspots, so kick off your shoes (we won't hold our noses, I promise!), lean back, take a few deep breaths, and c'mon in!!!
Chris's World of Wonders - Parenting, size-acceptance, my friends, and my family....
Ben's "Hey I can do this and I'm only 5!" Spot - (and 1/2 Mom, I'm 5 1/2!!!!!)

Got comments? E-mail me!
This site last updated 2/25/98
Faery graphic provided by Spirit Online
Leafy pentagram graphic Copyright © Robin Wood 1997, Used with Permission