*Updated 4/22/99!*
I've changed my personal beliefs page to include my beliefs about Strega.
I will be in England/Scotland from 4/24 until 5/2!
I will be working to put some Strega stuff in my DoTP and other Witchcraft sites as soon as I get back!
I've totally rearranged my links page. Lots more stuff than before!
Please welcome the Domain of the Techno-Pagan, The Halliwell House, and Willow & Amy's Magick Circle! I am moving my Witchtower website to this one so I can have people go to more of my pages. It will also be easier for me to receive mail about my pages this way.
I've updated my anti-pollution site, earthism, and will continually update it.
I've changed the cats page around so it isn't as long. It'll soon be a forum for catlovers.
I've joined a couple webrings. If you came on by a ring and would like to get off, just go down to the bottom of this page and hop back on!
To link your page to my, put the following code onto your page:
< A HREF="/Wellesley/7740">< IMG SRC="/Wellesley/7740/banner.gif" border=0>< /A>
And remove the spaces after the "<" signs.

Send me mail at lyrabeth@excite.com
Buffy: by losers, for losers
Two for me, none for you!
Unrelated Links:

This site within the Pagan
Youth Webring
is owned by Lyra Lizzie.
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If anyone has the last two sites above bookmarked, please e-mail me the address!!