"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them" - James Baldwin
Remember - By practicing you model--By modeling you teach--By teaching you love.
On Dating and Sex
Tips On When Your Pre-teen Wants to Date
Plus information on how to have 'The Talk' with your teen about sex.
Tips On When Your Teen Starts To Date Seriously
Not the going to the Mall with friends type dating anymore!!
Parent's War on Drugs, Knowledge Is The Answer--This is the part of a series of fact sheets on specific drugs.
Parent's War on Drugs, Knowledge Is The Answer--This is the part of a series of fact sheets on specific drugs.
Parent's War on Drugs, Knowledge Is The Answer--This is the part of a series of fact sheets on specific drugs.
Teens and Smoking - What Can a Parent Do?
Three reasons why teens start to smoke and what you can do about them.
An Overview of the Lifestage Called Adolescence
An Overview of the Lifestage Called Adolescence. Start to understand where you teen is coming from.
Teaching Your Teen to Drive - A Do's and Dont's List.
What you should do and what you shouldn't when your teen comes home with their permit.
Parenting Quotes!
One-liners that make you think and smile.
Common Questions on ADD for Parents
Coping skills, and information for parents with ADD and ADHD teens.