You are listening to the theme from "Gone With The Wind"
Well Fiddle-De-De! Welcome to Miss Scarlett's Garden Buddy Page! Brought to you by me, Miss Prissy, Scarlett's new Garden House Garden Buddy. Now I don't know nothin' bout birthin' no babies but I do know homepages and I'm going to try to make this the most extra special homepage that Scarlett's ever had!! Please check back often for new and exciting things. We only have one month to be Garden Buddies but I am hoping it will be a month to remember!!
Let's get this rolling with today's, March 1, gift. Here are some beautiful roses for "My Scarlett"!!
Well if y'all haven't guessed by now, Scarlett's favorite movie is: *little chuckle* So today, March 2, I have added a movie poster from the same for her to enjoy!!
Today, March 3, I've added a portrait of Scalett O'Hara just for you. What's that you say?? Where's Capt'n Butler?? Well don't worry my dear..."tomorrow is another day"!!
Well, looks who's come a calling on day four, March 4, Miss Scarlett...why, it's Capt'n Butler hisself. Mornin' Capt'n Butler!
Today, March 5, I have added your home, your refuge, your life's blood....Tara! Oh look, here comes Scarlett a running down the walk to greet y'all!!
Oh lordy!! Scarlett's done gone and invited the entire Garden House over to tea...sure am glad I polished up the tea set!!
Why hush my mouth....and close my eyes...Rhett n Scarlett are a kissin'!! OooooWeee!! This is your gift for today, March 6, Miss don't you go a blushin'!!
Won't you please let Scarlett know you stopped by her garden by leaving a kind word or thought in her Garden Guestbook??
Premiering Today, March 7, Page 2 of Scarlett's Garden
Click on this image to go "Over The Rainbow"
Premiering Today, March 14, Page 3 of Scarlett's Garden
Click on this image to "Travel To The Emerald Isle"
Premiering Today, March 21, Page 4 of Scarlett's Garden
Click on this image to "Go Back To School With Sandy & Danny"
Premiering Today, March 28, Page 5 of Scarlett's Garden
Click on this image to
"Travel Down The Bunny Trail"
Today is March 30 & that means it's time for a very special surprise for you Miss Scarlett!!!! Click on this Birthday Cake to "Celebrate Your Birthday In Style"!!!!
Today is April 1...the Garden Buddy program ends today! I'm going to miss being Miss Prissy for you Miss Scarlett but I think you will be quite surprised to see exactly who Miss Prissy has been all month long!! Click on this "Garden Angel" to see who Miss Prissy really is!!