As the gardener plants her seeds,
keeping the weeds away,
waters and takes pride in
watching her seedlings sprout
into strong and beautiful flowers,
we do the same within the Garden Girls.
A girl comes to the Garden Girls
as a seedling on the threshold of adult life.
Under the tender care of her sisters
she plants her roots firm
and strong in this life.
Like a beautiful flower reaching
toward the sun, she grows in
maturity, kindness, and graciousness,
a young woman with values and confidence.
Lifelong friends are made here.
You find help with life problems
as well as web pages,
and current information.
Each Garden Girl supports
and accepts the others for
who they are on the inside.
Each encourages and listens
as well as advises
when one of the sisters speak.
Welcome to the Garden Girls.
Please browse the areas listed below
and see if you would like
to apply to be a member.
If you look with
your heart, you can find love
and beauty in all things.
Welcome message written by: MARSHA

This graphic theme set was made exclusively for the
Garden Girls and is therefore copyright to us. Do not download the graphics you see on this site, they are not free for the