The average criminal in New York convicted of her crime (2nd degree attempted murder) only serves 18 months!!!! Amy has been in an upstate New York women's prison for five years!!!! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE????
This web page is devoted to exerting pressure on the New York State Parole Board to FREE AMY IMMEDIATELY!!!! She has been punished enough!
Begin by E-mailing the Honorable George Pataki, the Governor of New York, and respectfully ask him to bestow Executive Clemency on Amy. He can free Amy with the stroke of a pen!!!! He should do so IMMEDIATELY!
Also, try e-mailing President Bill Clinton at the White House and petition him in order that he pardon Amy.
Tell all your friends to do the same thing.
If you have a web page, place the FREE AMY FISHER! banner on your site to let people know you support Amy. Simply copy and paste the following HTML code into your Web page:
It will look like this:
Amy's Page. Another excellent page with images and information about Amy is Amy's Page.
My E-mail address is: I will be updating this page very frequently, so please send me any information, images, or comments you may have.
Sign the petition (my guestbook) and let Gov. Pataki know that he should "Do the Right Thing" and free Amy from prison. To view the entries already submitted, click here. Thanks!
-- B. Cornell
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial web page devoted to promoting the cause of freedom for Amy Fisher. It is not affiliated with anyone or authorized by anyone but myself, B. Cornell. (c) 1997-99 by B. Cornell.
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