Vistor number
"Another Good Year on the Web"
May of 1998 we had another good reunion in Rhode Island where I had the opportunity to renew my friends from last year that I met in Chicago and met some new faces in my group.
The one who is holding the ..doll.. is me because I surprised everyone by showing up. Someone brought the doll with him so they could remember me thoughout the week-end.
Thank you all for making this weekend the best for me.
Love, Lisa
The Motley Crew
Bob B's cake and nb18 Kazooband (Jim aka Nugget in green shirt)
.....Rick R, Kevin K, Mark, and in the front
.....Margaret, Lisa, Kathi, Bob B
......Mark and Kathi..Tell us about it ?????
Is that a TOY... B... Oh, the B word, again

The TWO lives of Hippie Rick...

Mark and the famous TIE...note the Black sheep in center

Bob B...and Lisa
Neat things I got from Others
I have the capacity to take in the
fullness of life. I lovingly live life to the fullest.
I am a free thinker and have a wonderful experience with ease and joy.
I relax knowing that I am safe. Life is for me and I trust the process of life.
Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse beind it in the world, and
bettered the tradition of mankind... by robert L. Stevenson.
If we should fail... We fail.
BUT screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we'll
not fail.. by Shakespeare
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they
want, And, if they can't find them, make them.
By Geo.B. Shaw
Be Careful.
Be kind. Be Yourself.
Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength.
Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love are the two greatest proofs, not only of goodness of
heart, but of strength of mind.
Don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. I think if you are determined enough and willing enough to pay the price, you can get it done.
By Mike Ditka
Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.
To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, To bear with unbearable sorrow, To run where hte brave dare not go.
To right the unrightable wrong, To love the pure and chaste from afari, To try when your arms are too weary, To reach the unreachable star!
(lyrics from "The impossible dream" by Joe Darion)
"A Little Bit about myself"
"Anything Is Possible If You Strive For It"
My name is Lisa Hicks and I was born in 1959 with Cerebal Palsy. Cerebal Palsy has many symptoms, mine are : jerky movements, irregular speech, my balance is some what affected and my coordinations is some what poor.
As I stated above...
"Anything is Possible If you Strive for It"
I went to Special Education School through the sixth grade and then main streamed into a regular school until I graduated. After High School I went away to college at Siena Heights, in Adrian, Michigan. I received an Associate Degree in Child Development.
Since completing that in 1982 I have worked in the mental development field. It has been a very rewarding field for me.
One of my interests is in helping others. I started a Cerebal Palsy on-line Support group. It has helped me to deal with my disease. If you are interested in this group (25 members) you can "click on my name" to contact me for more information. I will be willing to work one on one with persons with Cerebral Palsy or their parents.Caring Group
In January 1997, I was searching the Web for Information about Alcoholics Anonymous and came across an e-mail group for Recovering Alcoholics.
To my amazement, my own group "New Beginnings 18" and the other similar groups were having a three day convention in Chicago.
For the first time we were to meet Face to Face. A gal from my group offered to pick me ulp at the Airport. She greeted me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and a hug.
Here is a picture of Wendy and me... Wendy on the left and me on the Right.
Train Splits Car: Driver survives.
An Amtrak passenger train sliced an auto in half at the Van Slyke railroad crossinlg at W 12th street on Monday Afternoon.
But the driver of the auto miraculously survived, authorities said, and the drivers of the 3 other cars that were struck in a chain reaction were not injured.
Lisa Hicks of Fenton twp, whose car was severed between the front and rear seats was in fair condition at Hurley Medical Ctr. No one else was injured.
According to witnesses Hicks was trapped in fraffic on the crossing at the Westbound tracks as the Toronto/Chicago passenger train approached at 2:55 pm. She was North bound on Van Slyke near 12th st. when traffice began to back up from a red light, leaving her astride the tracks.
Steve Grantham was on the way to work and had pulled onto South bound Van Slyke when the accident happened.
He said, "There were 2 cars," (on the tracks) "and the pickup and other car got hit."
The man in the truck must have seen the train coming because he was pushing a car (that had stopped for a light) in front of him.
The pickup driver managed to get out of the trains path...
Hicks remained.
"I don't know if she didn't see the train or what. I'm watching this train thinking what is this guy doing when the whistle blew and smashed the car on the tracks, ripping it in half."
Railroad gates and warning lights were OK. The 2 halves of Hick's car came to rest 20 feet apart and she was pulled from the seat by passer-bys.
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