This site is a house for the restoration of your self, created by me. This page is home for everyone who is trying to improve themself and their life. I hope that on this page you will find encouragement and tips that will help you to reach your goals in life.
This page is hosted by Geocities, and is part of the Wellesley community, a community for women. The ideas expressed herein are those of the page creator, (me), and are not necessarily those of Geocities or the Wellesley community.
To find out more about me, click here.
The line-up:
Self-Help- These pages are about doing something for your self and others. Weight loss, volunteering, and pampering are here.
Beauty- These pages are about make-up, hair care, skin care, and clothes.
Doing My Own Thing- This page is about gaining independance.
Astrology and the Zodiac- Find out why you can't help but to act the way you do.
Food - recipes for the party throwers and those whoo just like to chow down.
Poetry, some of my personal favorites.
Shani's links.
This Ladies of Wellesley Ring site owned by --Shani Karyse Brunson--. Want to join the The Ladies Of Wellesley Ring? |
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TAKING THE NEXT STEP- planning to meet your goals,
DATING- How, When, Where, and WHY!
DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY- things that will make you cheer-up, even on a really bad day,
I WANT TO DO THAT- ideas for possible goals
If you have any questions or comments about this page, please feel free to e-mail me at
people have
taken steps to advance their lives. You are part of that number.
Thank you!!!