So! having fun by burning the vital band width of the Internet. Believe me you can be sued for your acts like this!
Before we go any further, here is a brief introduction. I am Manish Jain (U saw my name displayed on the top of this page, I know!I know!). Well my roots go back to a great country,India. I was born in Rewa but grew up mostly in Satna,a small town in the state of MadhyaPradesh. I went to Christ Jyoti Higher Secondary School, Satna, for my initial schooling. I got my bachelors in Computer Engineering from M.I.T, Manipal. Even after getting a degree in Computer Engineering from MIT, my parents thought i was good for nothing and hoping that I wud become good for something, they sent me to USA to get my masters in buisness ( they call it MBA :-))from Andrews University,Michigan . At last Impact Innovations came to help me out. That is where I am rite now, working hard(?) as a software consultant.I guess thats enough , jus' in case u r curious to know more about me
OK folks U have come to the right place for a fun filled ride through the cyber space!!!Sit back and enjoy it with a few clicks here and there...
How do we start? Hmmmm lets see...
Having spent endless hours surfing on the net,I hope by now u know what this sign means :-)
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