Unequally Yoked?

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This is a page for unequally yoked Christians, with an "Encouragement" support group to join

The support group is for both women and men. It's called 1Corinthians7, because that chapter talks about husbands and wives. To subscribe, send a message to
To subscribe in digest form, write to
You don't have to type anything in the subject line or the body of your letter, it's done automatically! God bless.

For ladies only, the 1Peter3 list, go to
Onelist, log in (or join) and type 1Peter3 in the "search" field.
Last update: May 15, 1999


Marriage Builders
Marriage Chat Room
Gateway To Joy with Elisabeth Elliott
Smyrna Gospel Ministries
Check out the stuff for Children on this page!
PLEASE read this article on MODESTY written by a Christian man!
If God is Love, why are sin and suffering allowed?
Julie's resources for the Unequally Yoked
BIBLE TRUTH Are you willing to look at the evidence?
A Christian Counselor

More links:

You don't have to be sick!

Remember, God loves you!

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