Welcome to Jeff and Norma's Wedding Homepage

July 12, 1997

How It All Came Together!

Included is a database idea for managing all those names and a spreadsheet for those do-it-yourself computer savvy brides to help balance that monster of a budget nightmare! We have put in pictures from the wedding and added links that were helpful.

You're Invited! - The inside

Database Idea

Budget (This is a zip file that contains a workable Excel97 spreadsheet.)

The Story Complete with photos !

These are two pages that offer lots of great help and advice! Soc.Couples.Wedding and Alt.Wedding

This site was very helpful! It includes a free email monthly newsletter. Go to Wednet.Com

George's is a place to find wedding graphics on the web. George's Wedding Clipart

Or you can go directly to the newsgroups alt.wedding or soc.couples.wedding.

Email us at normanelson@geocities.com in the meantime.

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