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Hi! I'm Karen-Leigh Beatty.

I started this page in 1998 to introduce myself to the college women (aka "Sorority Sisters") for whom I was Chapter Advisor. Now I find this a useful place to send my friends, old and new, from all over the world to keep up on my busy, crazy life.

Yes, It's finally here -- what you've been waiting for all year (or maybe even longer....

I think the only thing that is going faster than last year is this year!! I can't believe it's already mid-February as I write this!

After 5 years, (yes, it took that long to get our divorce in front of a judge -- and if I still had an attorney representing me, it probably still wouldn't have happened then!!!) we had the "divorce trial" we'd been waiting for.

Yet, even though he had two (or maybe even three) attorneys on his side, as well as an "Forensic" Accounting Expert, and I went before the Court in "pro per" (which means "all by myself") I knew if all I had was God and my family on my side, I'd be okay no matter what happened.

I made it through our week-long trial, and the judge gave me a "reasonable" settlement - not nearly what I deserved, or worked and sacrificed for, but still "live-able". And yet, sadly, my ex-husband still thinks it's "too much" and refuses to pay what the court ordered.

The best part is, that every time I am challenged like this, I come through with a deeper faith and even better for the experience!

I recently had lunch with a long-time friend who had just lost her husband quite unexpectedly. It was another reminder of the many times in my life (losing my sister Drina when I was in college, the first & second separations of my marriage, divorce) when I was blind-sided and kept it all together because of the amazing support of my parents, friends and great connections.

I have decided to start a business that will connect people going through life changes with other people as well as professionals that can help them. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this type of community, please let me know! You can email me at greatlifechanges@gmail.com. More (Webpage, etc.) to come soon!

I haven't done an update for 2008 yet (seems a lot like 2007 over again). You can still click here for the 2007 Year in Review

December 2007

If you're up for more of the story, you can go to: Life Story

This page was last edited 2/15/09

You can e-mail me at