Last updated: Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Hi! I'm africamuse - welcome to my 'place' on the net.
Like most balanced people, I enjoy humour, serious conversation, spending time with my friends, reading, travel, etc. This site includes all these aspects, and more. If I have to describe my site in one phrase, it would have to be "personal observations of life in South Africa and the world." Here you will find research reports, debates, support, lots of jokes, poetry, music, technical resources and personal reminisces. Travel reports and pictures form a major part of the site. Some of the more serious issues dealt with include childbirth, ethics of museum display, rape survival and cultural adjustment. And a whole section of the site is tailor-made for a group of online friends, the triviads. You may have views on some of these issues. If so, please email me and tell me what you think.

I hope you enjoy your visit! Remember that this site is constantly evolving - please come back soon!

Four points for you to note as you travel through my site:
- I would like to maintain a high standard of quality here. If you come across any spelling errors, dead links, pictures that won't open, etc., please let me know as soon as possible so that I can fix them.
- You're welcome to use any of the original written material on this page, on two conditions: i.e. that you acknowledge me as the source, and that you inform me of how/where you use the information.
- If you would like information about linking to africamuse's place, enter here.
- If you are looking for one of the many webrings to which this site belongs, please enter here.

You can navigate my pages in one of three ways.
If you would like to wander my pages according to subject, going wherever your mouse (muse?) takes you, please


for a complete list of all the rooms in africamuse's place
A final option - and one new to my site (i.e. I haven't thoroughly testdriven it yet):

You are visitor number
to visit this site since 17 November 1997
Hmmm....seems my counter has clocked over...
Regular visitors to my site will know about the squeezes - congratulatory cyber-hugs for all those that manage to make it here on an even 100 number. Here they are!
#100 Figtrucker
#300 Caratacus
#500 Zhigulii
#800 Mirabile_Visu
#1000 Edison Carter
#1200 Catt_eyes
#1400 Linje
#1500 Gjenny (my sister)
#1800 Phil_G
#2000 Cheepsunglasses
#2400 Zhigulii
#2500 Kitkatt22
#2600 Baybear2
#2800 Pitabird (my other sister)
#3000 Pitabird again!
#3300 Damn, it was me. Kitkatt said, at the time, that I should award it to then-partner Caratacus "cos he's part of you", and he agreed, so he gets it, with an honourable mention to BluRaine for being #3301
#4700 NYTom129, who graciously offered to share his award with Kitkatt22
#5000 Ndnmuse
#5100 Megawave5 ... thanks for getting me started again
#5200 Casty - and you don't need to share it with anyone!
#6000 Wuzit2u
#6100 Zhigulii again!
#6200 Zhigulii lolololol
#6300 Yet again, Zhigulii
#6400 Kitkatt22
#6500 Lyric
#6600 John (my cousin)
#6700 D. Quixote
#6900 SengaO
#7000 John, again!
#7301 She asked me nicely - so - Gjenny wins it for being 7301! (Unless 7300 makes him/herself known...)
#7400 How embarrassing - it was me...
#7600 John
#8200 Our very own NYTom :)
#10200 After a very long hiatus in reporting the x00th hit, Gjenny arrived on 10200!

all original material (text, graphics, photographs and/or programming) © 1997-2006
Sally Smith
