I know a lot of us went to the march and have many reflections of the events that took place. In my own humble way, I will try and create a picture of the events leading up to the March for many Sistahs in Brew City.
We organized:
Many Sistahs attended those Thursday night meetings and I can truly say that I never missed one!! We sold t-shirts, buttons, had rallies, etc. in our effort to get the message out and raise money. It was not easy, for many were resistant to the end. Many did not follow through on their committements. We did get support from organizations like Harambee, The YWCA, The Black Historical Society, I even got a $30.00 donation from my alderman (WOW!!) but not the support that we thought this March would generate, particularly amongst Sistahs. What was unbelievable was the fact that our Brothas did not wholeheartedly embrace the idea of supporting us, and to think of all the hard work we did on the Million Man March.
Our State Coordinator, Josephine Hill, was tireless in her pursuit to make this March a success. Long after Sistahs had went home, she remained to strategize our next move, count money, check sponsors and put out fires. I think that no one was more happier when this March was over. Her efforts were well appreciated by a lot of us.
After what it seems endless meetings, meetings, meetings, the time finally came to board the buses (there were three that were organized from the L.O.C., but many who organized their own personal buses, cars and vans) We finally got on the buses to make HISTORY!!!
bus driver for bus #1 (my bus) was Brotha Reverend Kenneth Bonner of Free
Spirit Baptist Church. We had a very lively discussion on our bus concerning
religion. We showed the movie Sankofa, a documentary entitled "Millenium
2000" and a lecture by Brotha Leonard Jeffries. Unfortunately, most
of the Sistahs, went to sleep on those movies, but were wide awake for
the booty shaken, African woman degrading movies that another Sistah had
brought. But, what can you say against the majority, who only see these
movies as "entertainment".
Here we are getting ready for the long ride. Everyone is settling in, bunking down and thanking the Creator that we are finally on our way.
Our elders slept, and
of our Queens slept and yes, definitely our babies, the youth, slept and
and slept.
Even though we had plenty of food on the buses, we still found the need to stop off and spend money along the way. Here we are at a reststop where we encountered our first Million Woman March vendors, I guess the old saying "heading 'em off at the past" holds true.
and and
We made it to Philadelphia, spent our money, but the bottom line for Women of African descent on October 25, 1997, was this slogan, "BEING A BLACK WOMAN IS TO BE BEAUTIFUL" no matter from what walk of life we come from and to think, we have been saying this for 30 years now. I guess we finally got it that day!!
I would like to thank My Beautiful Black/African Sistahs for the opportunity to share this day with you from all around the world. This was the first time my sister and I spent time together on the positive and we enjoyed every minute of this day.
Ifama and Anita on October 25, 1997, Goin' Home.
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Thanks, for viewing this mini summary of our experience. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.