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If you've never heard a barbershop chorus, you're missing a treat! Barbershop is four-part harmony, a capella singing. With beautiful ringing chords, and no need of accompaniment barbershop is a style of music that can be sung anywhere and any time. Although barbershop was originally a male style of singing, it has branched out, and now thousands upon thousands of women sing in choruses and quartets across the world. They all belong to an organization called Sweet Adelines International.

Vernon Kalamalka is a chapter of Western Canada's Region #26 of Sweet Adelines. We are a group of approximately 20 to 25 members (at the moment, although we're always hoping to grow!). We rehearse every wednesday evening from 7:30 to 10:00. The chorus was chartered in 1980 which means the year 2000 will mark our 20th anniversary!

Chorus Members
The Board Members: 1999-2000
Barbershop Links
Our Town: Vernon BC

This page was created by Jenni Woodcock. Last updated: May 17th, 1999