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Some Love Hints
10 Ways to say I Love You
1...Be a Genie...Grant your partner 3 wishes. Most people find it hard to ask for special favors. An effective way to cut through that obstacle is to be a genie-grant your partner his or her wishes.
2...Turn Off the TV...
Most couples are extremely busy juggling the demands for their time, including job, children, household management and community organizations. They have very little discretionary time to spend together and may use television as a time to relax. However TV can arrest a relationship. So, turn off the TV and take that time to discuss your day, worries and share happy occurences.
3...Have a Fair Division of Labor...
With most couples working outside the home, it is only right that household responsibilities be shared equally.
4...Show Patience...
The key to everything is patience. You may not always understand your partners actions, nor can you always appreciate a partners attitude. During those times, extend the courtesy of patience. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt.
5...Apply the 3 C's...
Use every opportunity to Compliment, Commend and Congratulate your partner. Lavish him or her with praise and appreciation. Verbal compliments are sunshine to the spirit. They boost self-esteem, deepen love, nourish the soul and animate a relationship.
6...Think Before You Speak...
Raised voices lower esteem. Do your best to spend your words wisely as you spend your money. While it is right to let your partner know how you feel, choose your words carefully.
7....Regularly Send Love Signals...
Small gestures often convey large meanings. Express your love through small acts of kindness, tenderness and gentleness.
8...Lighten and Brighten Life With Laughter...Ninety-three percent of the long-term spouses described their marriage as "Happy." One key to marital longevity was a sense of humor. Seventy-nine percent said they laughed together every day.
9...Listen with your heart...
When your partner is upset, let him or her express their feelings freely. Later, when there has been time to process the information and when feelings are cooled, is a much better time to respond.
10...Be Generous With Forgiveness...
Forgiveness can unclutter a relationship and pave the way for deeper satisfaction. It involves letting go of anger, restoring respect and offering acceptance.
Following these "10 Ways to Say I Love You" can not help but keep the sparkle of a new relationship alive, and add a new shine to one that has weathered the test of time.
In my own long time relationship we still get up every morning, and over our coffee, plan our day, laugh sometimes at nothing in particular, and thank God we are still "best friends."
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© ** Revised: December,1998 **