Welcome to the Home Birth and Midwives
Support Network for Illinois

Do you think the intimate decisions of how you birth
where you birth
with whom you birth

should be left up to you?

The state of Illinois doesn't think so!

Is Homebirth really safe?

What kinds of Midwives are there?

What is the Midwifery Model of Care?

Why wouldn't I want to go to a hospital for labor and delivery?

Why is Illinois trying to shut down the practices of its Certified Professional Midwives???

We will answer these and other questions in the pages to follow.

>>Click here to go to our Table of Contents<<

By citing the vague and overly-broad language in the Medical Practices Act, the Department of Professional Regulation of the state of Illinois (DPR) took action against four Illinois Midwives in Early August, 1997 and issued an injunction against an Illinois CPM Midwife in March of 1998.

This discrimination MUST STOP! It is an essential freedom of individuals to decide where birthing will take place, and who will be present. It is not the state's responsibility to ensure the well being of a family. Rather, it is the parents' responsibility to decide what is right for their families.

February, 1999 ...
I am reorganizing the structure of these pages.
Please pardon our dust over the next several weeks.

Since August, 1997

we have had hits on this page.

Excerpts from a letter to the Ohio Direct-Entry Midwifery Council
by Marsden Wagner, MD, MSPH
March 1997

Dr. Wagner is a neonatologist and perinatal epidemiologist. He is the former Director of Maternal and Child Health for the California State Department of Public Health. For 15 years he was Director of Women's and Children's Health for the World Health Organization (part of the U.N.) as a specialist in perinatal services in the highly industrialized countries.

Dr. Wagner has also consulted repeatedly with the U.S. National Institute of Health and has testified before the U.S. Congress. Additionally he is a renouwned auther of five books and many medical journal articles and editorials.

and a few select links

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Midwifery licensure Legislation for 1999 in Illinois
Additional sponsors needed
(Replublican sponsorship sought)


The Safety Issue

In the News


Legal Issues and History


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5500 block Oustanding Homesteader

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These pages were designed by Colette Bernhard Lehrer, a homebirth mother of two.

(((((A special thanks to Dave!)))))

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