wThe Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches (UFMCC) plays a vital role in addressing the spiritual
needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community around
the world. For those of us who were raised in a religious atmosphere, homosexuality
was usually associated with shame and guilt. As a result, many of us were
cut off from the spiritual dimension of our lives. Metropolitan Community
Churches provide an opportunity to explore a spiritual experience that
affirms who we are.
wToday, as self-aware and self-affirming
gay men and lesbians, we reclaim the fullness of our humanity, including
our spirituality. We find great truths in the religious tradition, and
we find that our encounter with God is transformational and healing.
wThroughout the twenty-nine year history
of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, thousands
of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and heterosexual people have
found hope, and have lived the joy, reverence, and excitement of our fellowship
and faith in God. We have seen how people have been changed by this experience.
Quite simply, we make a difference in people's lives.
wThousands of individuals have experienced
emotional healing and reconciliation from abuse and oppression, and countless
members and friends credit their involvement in the Fellowship and its
congregations with saving their lives. We experience our communities of
faith as places of healing and hope, places of reconciliation with family,
with self-esteem, and with individual spirituality.
MCC Bridgerland is a member congregation of the Universal Fellowship
of Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC). Our mission statement
says: We are a community of believers Empowered by God to Empower others
for Christian Salvation, Christian Community and Christian Social Action.
We seek to empower ourselves and each other through open and safe places
to be ourselves as Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Christians
and welcoming of our supportive friends and families. We have a history
as a small church, a permission-giving church, an inclusive church.
And we say to you, "Welcome! God Bless You! What can we do
to support you in your journey?"
MCC Bridgerland meets for worship every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. at the Faith and Fellowship Center, 1315 East 700 North in Logan, UT. Potluck dinners after worship every 1st and 3rd Sunday. Womyn's Social Group meeting Saturday evening at 7:00 p.m. Church Social, movies, and snacks, Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m.
Schedule of special services for Easter–
Palm Sunday, April 5
Good Friday, April 10
MCC Passover Dinner, April 11
Easter Sunday, April 12
Welcome and thank you for visiting our site. This site contains
information about The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
with a focus on the Metropolitan Community Church of Bridgerland.
You'll find links to other pages containing our Statement of Faith, a list
of local resources, a few selections from our monthly newsletter, and AIDS/HIV
education information, as well as links to other websites maintained by
other churches and ministries of MCC. Foremost, we would like you
to use this site as a resource to strenthen yourself. Please e-mail
comments, suggestions for the site, or anything else you'd like us to know
to Pastor Kelly Byrnes at Kbyrnes@xmission.com.
Once again, thanks for visiting.
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