National Society Daughters
of the American Revolution





 About Shadwell
 Contact Information

 Our Scrapbook
 Related Links

Shadwell Chapter

Charlottesville, Virginia












Picture of Thomas Jefferson is courtesy of Monticello/Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc.
Downloading is a violation of US copyright law.

The DAR insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

  About Shadwell Chapter

Shadwell Chapter was organized February 5, 1925, in Charlottesville,VA.  The original Chapter name was General Wilson Cary Nicholas Chapter, named for a soldier of the American Revolution and close friend of Thomas Jefferson.  Later General Nicholas became a Magistrate of the County, member of the Legislature, Governor of Virginia, and United States Senator.  In 1927 permission was granted by the National Society to change the Chapter name to "Shadwell," the birthplace of Thomas Jefferson.


Peter Jefferson owned a thousand-acre tract in what is now Albemarle County, Virginia. He acquired an additional 100 acres of adjoining land from William Randolph for "a consideration of Henry Weatherbourne's biggest bowl of arrack punch." A house was built on the site in 1737, which was named "Shadwell" after the parish in London where Peter Jefferson's wife was born. Thomas Jefferson, son of Peter Jefferson and Jane Randolph Jefferson, was born at "Shadwell" on April 13, 1743.  He lived there between 1743-1745 and 1752-1770 and moved to Monticello after the house was destroyed by fire in 1770.


Shadwell Chapter promotes the objectives of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution:  History, Education, and Patriotism.  Since 1925 the Chapter has been recognized for community service and participation in the programs of the National Society. Activities include participation in the July 4th Naturalization Ceremony at Monticello, and the Flag Day Celebration and Visitation at Hunter Holmes McGuire Veterans' Administration Medical Center.  History Medals are awarded to outstanding students at twelve local elementary schools, a DAR Good Citizen Medal is awarded to two outstanding high school seniors, and an ROTC Medal is awarded to an outstanding Army cadet at the University of  Virginia. An American History Essay Contest is sponsored and is open to students in public, private, parochial schools, and home study programs

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Contact Information

For information about the Shadwell Chapter e-mail us at Membership in the DAR is by invitation from a local chapter. Prospective members must be able to prove descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence.

If you know of children who would interested in joining the C.A.R. (Children of the American Revolution), please e-mail us at for further information.
Visit the NSDAR Home Page for further information about membership requirements.

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Shadwell Chapter Officers



Marguerite Dierauf

First Vice Regent 

Mimi Hirsch

Second Vice Regent 

Margaret Kahler


Barbara Wright

Recording Secretary

Sue Tatum

Corresponding Secretary

Cathy Popp


Carolyn Grow 


Fran Bean


Kitty Walker


Maryanne Higgins


Lucille Dulaney


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   2008-2009 Calendar of Events  




September 10, 2008,

10:30 AM

Revised Test for US Citizenship

Ms. Mimi Hirsch

September 20, 2008

Joint District III and VI Meeting


October 15, 2008,
10:30 AM

Election Issues and Choices

Dr. Larry Sabato’s Staff, UVA Center for Politics

November 12, 2008,

When Janey Comes Marching Home,

National Defense Luncheon, Shadwell Presiding

Dr. Laura Browder

December 4, 2008,

State Regent’s Visit, Joint Meeting

Mrs. Bana Weems Caskey

January 21, 2009,
1:30 PM

Memorial Continental Hall Video,

Annual Meeting

Mrs. Marguerite Dierauf

February 21, 2009,

Native American Heritage

Ms. Karenne Wood

March 18, 2009,
10:30 AM

Emergency Preparedness

Mrs. Peggy Paviour,

Thomas Jefferson Health Dept

April 8, 2009,
10:00 AM

Tour to Woodrow Wilson Home


May 13, 2009,
10:30 AM

Colonial Cooking

Mrs. Martha Bar, Ash Lawn Foodways Interpreter


Please e-mail us at for information about attending one of the Shadwell DAR meetings.

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Our Scrapbook

75th Anniversary Tea, Saturday, April 29, 2000



Afternoon Tea Wednesday June 1, 2005, at Clifton Inn, Keswick, VA


Committee Members and Elegant 19th Century Ladies

Mary Ann Higgins   Cathy Popp   Nina Adams   Sue Comey


Naturalization Ceremony, Monticello, July 4, 2007

Naturalization Ceremony speaker Sam Waterson on the West Front steps at Monticello.

Shadwell members preparing to serve our new citizens prior to their being naturalized.


Our almost new citizens enjoy breakfast while they await the start of the ceremony on the West Lawn at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson.


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Related Links

State of Virginia DAR Information

Virginia Information Providers Network (VIPNet) Homepage

City of Charlottesville, Virginia

Montpelier, The Home of James Madison

Information for Visitors, University of Virginia

Monticello: The Home of Thomas Jefferson


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Web hyperlinks to non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.


Maintained by Carolyn P. Grow
Last Updated :  July 21, 2008