My Home Away from Home

Family, Friends and Crafts

My name is Debbie. I live in a small South Carolina town with hubby Tom and daughter Robin and her son Keegan. We have 3 other girls as well but all living away from home.

Everybody has that small circle of friends which they refer to as the extended family, and of course we have ours. Andy has been brother and uncle for us for more years than I can remember. He has the patients of a saint when it comes to the girls and has been the best of friends to Tom and I. Recently he has brought us a new friend and family member, Louanne. We went to Tenn. to join them on the happy day of their wedding. May I present the Rufo's!

I love doing all kinds of handcrafts, but I guess I love wood the best. I have a 12 X 30 building fondly referred to by the family as "The Woodshed". We have added another 10 X 12 to it. I moved all the saws and actual working tools to that part, and have started organizing the rest. I can almost get the front ready to close in for a gift shop. I actually found floor I haven't seen in years. I also sold the kilns so that freed up a ton of room. I have also added another 8 X 10 off the front of the other addition for storage.

I keep busy up at the house a lot since Keegan was born and dosen't like the noise of the wood shop. I was crocheting a lot, but now the hand has started acting funny so I have taken up tatting. Shuttle work is out for me, but I can do just fine with the needle. I will be posting pictures of my finished projects as I complete them. I also have an online yarn store,, and have recently been doing a lot on eBay.

Family Photo Gallery

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Last Update May 14, 2007

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