Hi, it's me...Skya Wode aka Wode, aka Juri. This is my Wacky World and you are very welcome to it! Why do I call it my Wacky World, you ask? That, my friend, is a very good question. You see, the older I get, the more I realize how surreal my world is! Now, trying to explain that, well, it would just make things even more surreal!
I'm still writing, still making art, and I'm still clowning around!
I've been on a couple of cruises. One to Alaska, and the other to Scandanavia and St. Petersburg, Russia! I sailed on the Royal Caribbean to some of the beautiful islands in the Caribbean.
I got my blackbelt in Aikido in December 2005. However, the blackbelt isn't as important as how Aikido has been changing me! But I will discuss that on my Aikido page.
I've been neglecting this page for a long time. In 2006 I had a total of 5 operations, and I'm looking forward to another operation this month and possibly another one in February or March. So, it might be time to come back and dust off a few cobwebs and clean and up-date the place.