~~~~Cherchez La

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men"
--Abraham Lincoln

Please take a moment of your time to view the
Missing Childrens Ring
Child Find Canada
Evil triumphs only when good people do nothing.

Wow, been a long time since I've edited this page! Lots of dead links, I know. Apologies.
Check out the new set in my Flickr account of the anomaly in the photo of the lovely, doomed, Kitty Genovese. What do you think?
Oh, if you want to leave a message, please do so on the Flickr site -- don't even remember the account attached to this page's message board. :/

- Forensic Psychology
- Astrology
--dba Acrux Astrology Unique charts
both computer and hand prepared, specializing in Karma, Reincarnation, Arabic Parts, Fixed
"Lucky/Unlucky" Stars; Couples Charts and Womens Charts; Transits, Natal charts from short to
detailed, print out to hand-drawn calligraphic wheels -see option/price list
- Treading the Boards --best
role to date: (local) lead in Nuts, worst: Mentos commercial ;) fave actors: Peter Lorre,
*sadly miscast in Hollywood*, Andre Braugher, Harvey Keitel *best casting in The Piano*, Richard Burton,
Meryl Streep, Patricia Routledge *the Bucket woman*
- Poetry --some faves: Theo Roethke, Rainer Maria Rilke, Dylan Thomas, Emily
Dickenson, Amy Lowell, Charlotte Mew
- Literature --some faves: Marguerite Duras;
The White Hotel, D.M. Thomas, The Once and Future King, T.H.
- Art --some faves: Fanch LeDan, Dali, Van Gogh, Escher, Erte, Boris, Conge
- Creative Writing
- The Paranormal --esp. Marian Apparitions, CSICOP
- Spirituality
--Tibetan Buddhism & Christianity
- Animal Rights!!
- Swimming, Windsurfing, Kayaking
- Intellectual Pursuits- Mensa, Intertel

Beam me up, Scotty!
(Links will change to serve other deserving organizations,
please check back!)
This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the 13 Missing Children Alert Cases.
Clicking on the photograph will bring up the
Alert Page with more information, and the ability
to print posters. Clicking on the Marquee
Message will connect to the NCMEC home page.
The image seen will change every
ten minutes.
Currently the 12 most recently reported missing children
are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring
you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to
the full details of the missing child's record. There is also
included a link to view the entire queue of 12 children.
Missing Children's Ring
is owned by ME Spiegel.
Click for the
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