Welcome to my page. I am proud to be part of Wellesley, and I am
hoping that I can bring something to the neighborhood, that is
especially for Women. As I think of all the wonderful things
that I want to show the world, there are many that I consider
"Precious Jewels" that enrich my life.
Please take the time to read my "Pearls of Wisdom".
This angel will take you to a very special place...
Never underestimate the power of love
The Miracle of Friendship
There's a miracle called friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or where it gets its start.
But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift,
and you realize that friendship
is God's most precious gift~
*Anonymous*That poem was embossed on a beautiful wall hanging
that I recieved from a very special friend,
for no other reason than to show me how much she thought of me..... thanks, Susan
Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed.
(I encourage you to take a good look at the following places, they are some
of the best graphics (that I have found) on the web.)
{For the Beautiful Fancy Border Background and Buttons}
{For just being there, when I need something new and different}
{For the Angel who keeps me company, and the "Wellesley Icon"
she designed for the "Leaders Homepage"}
{For buttons and bullets,and my arrow at the bottom}
{For "Ophelia" the Wellesley Icon}
{For my bars, and pearls. A wonderful artist}
Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures.
This is my "Cyber Faerie" and her name is Bronwyn.
I adopted her at "Ophelia's Life" (no relation),
you can adopt one just like her,
and give a "Cyber Faerie" a good home.
Don't miss the magic of the moment by focusing on what's
to come.
You are welcome to send
Learn to make something beautiful with your hands.
I have recieved my first Award.....please take a look....
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This page was updated on 10/10/97