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Hello, Daqipo here, how are you?
I am a 29 year old mother of  three.  I am truly every woman. I am a wife, mother, daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend. I recently graduated from college and I am currently working and applying to graduate school.  Could I be busier? Maybe, but I hope nothing else falls on my plate. If you feel me, email me.

My hobbies and interests include fly-fishing, solving algebraic equations, traveling in foreign countries, singing karaoke on Yahoo! chat, catching butterflies, pushing pixels, building sandcastles, playing online games, daytrading, building mosaic tables, bowling, fingerpainting, and people-watching.  Yeah right!  All of that crap came  with the program. My main hobby is reading and trying new things on my computer.  That's the truth.

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You need Java to see this applet.