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A Portrait of a Nineties Teener

  It is often said that silent waters run deep and that for every rule, there lies an exception.
   Iya personifies the intersection of the two.  
Her light hearted candor belies the deep thoughts that  lie beneath her head. She is vivacious and eloquent. She can talk about almost any other topic under the sun with a maturity that belies her years and wields a witty repartee that almost always catches you off guard.  Her cheerful smile, sunny disposition, and wise insights have made her a trusted confidante to many a friend not only in her university but in other places she's been.  She always finds time for her friends in  
the midst of her varied duties and responsibilities.  
She is warm, caring and compassionate. 
She is all of this and more. 

Francis ER Acero

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Andre Ria Beltran Buzeta. 
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     Andre Ria "Iya" Buzeta