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Updated 9/15/97
are you truly dedicated,to the profession? and loves to chat, about the hair industry,to other professionals & share,in the hair biz? |
Marketing Specialists, Distributors, Manufactures, Publishers, Famous Names in the Field of Cosmetology, etc.,that wish to make a presentation to our professional cosmetologist members, please send your request to, floridafrank, with your proposal,for consideration,for a special scheduled evening presentation.
(other then professional industry, and general chatting....
"Topics", some of the relative professional discussions we have, for everyone to join in, and give their input, are...Sound Off On Emploers,Motivation,Hourly vs.Commision,Dress Codes,Getting New Clients, Attitude,Confidence, Improve your Income, Handling Finances,Products Usage,The Newest and Latest Styles, Techniques, and How, and much more....
Plus...a weekly COLORFUL "News and Views", action packed INFORMATION, and PICTURES, of whats new , or what happened on the channel.
The chat room is open nightly at 9pm, "eastern",except Sat., on mIRC, Undernet, #hair, if you would like to share in the fun,and information, with others in the profession, then come to join us.
Uncompleted forms will NOT be answered.
© 1997
#hair, the ORGANIZATION.....
The "Professional Cosmetologist" Chat Room, was organized in Jan.'97,for the purpose of an outlet for Cosmetologists to Chat with others,in the biz.. Live, one, on one.
Discussions, encompass the total spectrum of our profession, e.g. styling, cutting,coloring,management,hiring,pricing,employee relations,regulations, products, and more, plus to have FUN...
Its a great place to share information. All new members, are raving and wondering what took them so long to get to the channel of #hair. You will find us a strictly professional group,but also have fun at the same time.
Discussions in the room,are NOT consumer orientated. Talk about the techniques,chemicals, and procedures used, are for licensed cosmetologists only, that have the training, and understands its uses, and safety. Licensed only-, also averts its members for blame,or lible from the consumer, for information obtained herein, by the consumer, for eroneous,or misuse of same.
The #hair channel offers...
"da pro library",where members can display their best work, for everyone to enjoy,and add techniques, and comments, on how they were achived, and print them out for reference to your clients. HOURS
Links to other sites on the Web
Retro Styles + Setting Patterns
By Gone Era Styles,+More
Pictures of Silver Screen Stars,from the 40,s the 60,s
mirc Chat Program Introduction & FAQ,s
For more information, about "Professionals in Cosmetology" Chat Room ,"Sign Guest Book",which will generate an automatic application,if you truly are dedicated,fill it in, and submit(please be sure it is complete)including your E-Mail address, you may enter comments,or questions, in the space provided.Your resume may be send under seperate cover, by E-Mail,see address below.
now, ya all come, ya hair!, and have fun..... Have a question? or Need Help? Send an E-Mail, by clicking at address,below.
a cosmetologists license,and a resume, is required, for your "FREE" membership. Approval,upon information provided. Thank You!
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