Shannon's Page

Welcome to Shannon's Page!

I'm a mom and loving it :-)!

Bridget Caffrey Coulter was born on October 8, 1998 at 4:11pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. After taking the Bradley childbirth class we had the natural birth we wanted, mostly due to the wonderful labor nurse who delivered her! Check out some pictures here .

Last revised December 22, 1998

About me

Anyway, this is me, Shannon. I am 30 years old (as of September 2) and live in NJ. I've been here my whole life, and I actually like it, despite all the jersey jokes. I graduated from Rutgers University (cool school) in '93 where I majored in Archaeology and Anthropology and minored in Religion. After that I worked off and on at the Rutger's University Center for Public Archaeology for a few years. Eventually I got laid off and they went out of business. For a short time I worked in the customer service department of a good size computer mail order company. I won't mention the company name, but let me just say that

Dilbert is true and the business world sucks rocks.
'Nuff said.

I'm married to a wonderful man :-) I met Robert in August '96, got engaged in October and got married May 3rd, 1997. Robert (Mr. Wonderful, Prince Charming, whatever you want to call him) is some sort of technical support guy in NYC. But more to the point, he does woodworking in his spare time. There's nothing sexier then a guy who works with his hands! I met him in the SCA which is good, because it's a big part of both our lives. Check out My honey's page

The rest of my family is of the four and no footed varieties. George was my baby before I had my baby :-) Then there's Oscar, our big, black cat. Tas died earlier this year when he got out and was hit by a car. We didn't know he was dead til one of the neighbors asked if that had been our big orange cat in the street :'-( Gracie, the gray tabbie, was given away when she was discovered to be jealous of our human baby. She peed on Bridget's things. Twice in the carseat and once on a pillow I used to nurse. Have you ever tried getting cat pee out of a carseat? Ugh. She's living in a baby-free house now. Check out my family for their stories.


And the newest member of our family is baby Bridget! She's a toddler now. 17 months old! Very curious, active, demanding. Wonderful :-)


was a major part of my life before Bridget was born. It's a medieval recreation group that's been around since the 1960's. I heard about it when I was a kid and thought it sounded like a bunch of weirdos! So of course I ended up joining in college. I started out in RUSCA (Rutger's University SCA) which is part of the Barony of Settmour Swamp (most of central and some northern NJ). Now I'm Lady Maire by the river of House Kyle's Hold (my husband's household - another story!). The other weekend we went to our second event since Bridget's birth. It's amazing how having a child slows you down!
This is a battle from Pennsic, a huge event we have every year near Pittsburgh. The year this picture was taken (1993) we had about 8,000 camping out. And everyone in garb! Cool! This link will bring you to the web page of the Barony of Settmour Swamp. My local group. If you're not from the NJ area, use this link to find your way to your area of the world.

My Trip

The other big thing in my recent (last few years) life was a huge, largely accidental trip a friend and I took to 6 countries in Europe (May, 1996). In two weeks. With no tour guide, no reservations and no plans whatsoever.
Well, there were plans, but . . . hey! Another story! On my trip we had a three day layover in Reykyavik. I fell in love with the place! I hope to be able to go back someday. I still don't have any pictures up from my trip yet, but check out this link to explore Iceland


Oh yeah. Anyone interested in an archaeological field school? Mission San Antonio de Padua is where I went. It's a good price for six weeks in an absolutely beautiful location. And life in the mission is so peaceful, it's like a retreat from the world.

Click Click Click!

Sites I think are Cool!

Email postcards
Fun, easy and contributes to the World Wildlife Fund. What more could you ask for?

Dave Barry
Is hilarious! If you like what he writes, visit this site. I especially like the singing sand!

Astronomy Site of the Day
My newest hobby is Astronomy! This site is very cool. Every day they have a new picture, complete with explanation, and plenty of links to follow.

And here's another site you can get lost in for hours! Take a tour of The Nine Planets. It's definitely worth it!

This is where I got some of the graphics on this page. The sign and the flowers are from here. Stop in and visit. Her site gives you a real warm fuzzy feeling!

Hey! Somebody! Sign my guestbook so I know it works!

Someday there'll be something to look at when you read my guestbook

.......................See you later!.......................

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