Nancy's World...a glimpse into my mind...
Adopt a Greyhound...The Life You Save Will Be Your Own! |
A website by my greyhound friend Candy...neato graphics! |
Historical Re-enactment |
Our Current Foster, Tyson See more about him by clicking on the CGC link above! |
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Credits, Disclaimers, Etc:
All information, ideas, photos, and other material herein are the property of the owner and may not be reproduced or copied without the permission of the owner. All opinions within are purely conjecture and should not be quoted or even taken seriously. The author wishes to acknowledge her fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Kelly, for starting her down the theatrical path with her role as "Clown without a Line" in the school play, and her inspiration in the technical footlights, Alan, who inadvertently piqued her curiousity about "the underside of platform safety" with a C-clamp to the noggin. Graphics appear courtesy of, GeoCities, BiWitchyBBW's GeoIcons, Dagny/graphics by Helen, Heikki's Free Images Library, The Clip Art Connection, Key Clip Art 25,000, and The Phenomenal Women of the Web. This page is hosted by the Wellesley community of GeoCities.Thank you, and have a safe trip home. Buckle up. "Put a spot of vanilla behind your ear, and you'll smell like a cookie all day." (Crow, MST3K) Always look both ways before crossing your fingers. And, for pete's sake, y'all come back now, ya he-yah?