As you read through these pages, I hope you find something useful. I feel that by sharing and reaching out to one another, we can create a worldwide community whose members genuinely care for one another. I think this is the only way we can truly co-exist on this planet without self-destructing. I believe we are in urgent need of caring and companionship as we become more isolated each day. And rather than computers being a contributor to this isolation, I think they can be a powerful tool for us to connect to others.
Well, enough of my blatherings. On with the fantasies!

A Mensan Fairy Tale
Last year, one of my fantasies actually came true! I met and married my soul mate, Logan. This is our story (any resemblance to fairy tales living or dead is intentional, and I apologize in advance).

Being new to the Internet and wanting to create my own home page, I wasn't sure where to start. Well, where else but at the source itself! I have found many wonderful hints, instructions, graphics and ideas on these pages. Some of the artists were even kind enough to make something just for me. Please show your support for these generous people by visiting their pages. You may even find something new for yourself!

Friends and Webrings
Here you will find some of the wonderful people I have known, both on and off the net. And how could I neglect to include my beautiful family? Actually, they threatened me with death if I DID include them, but I like living dangerously!

Domestic Violence
Unfortunately, this is a subject I know a lot about due to firsthand experience. But, with the help of friends and family, I was able to escape the cycle and get help. On this page you'll find my story, along with some of the things I learned in therapy. One of the most important things I learned was how to recognize the warning signs. If you are now a victim or have ever been one, please read here.

While looking for a home in cyberspace, I found GeoCities. It's a great on-line community that offers free home pages and e-mail to it's members. I found a home in Wellesley with a great group of women who share a lot of my ideas and fantasies. Find out why GeoCities is a great place to create your home on the web!

My Résumé
Fantasies are great, but one of the harsh realities of our world is that you need money to fufill them. Which means a job. So, here is my résumé in the hope that I can make enough money to support my fantasies! :-)